
Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2019

Funny Colors - mobile app

Funny Colors is a painting game for young children, which will help them with the recognition of colors, location of them and basic geometric shapes. The difficulty will increase to stimulate the desire to learn.This game has no violent images and the competition is only stimulated based on the arrangement of colors and time to solve the puzzle Our app in Google Funny Colors App . If you enjoy the game, please consider support us: www.paypal.me/DosDGames www.patreon.com/dungeonmatanga

Política de Privacidad - Dos D Games

POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDAD de Dos D Games ​ La presente política de privacidad de Dos D Games incluye:  -Funny Colors [android app game] -Funny Maths [android app game] -Curly Girl Method [android app] -Curly Girl Method - multilanguage -Simple Calendar [android app] -WWII Power Quiz [android app game] -Zombie Factory [android app game] -WWII Tanks [android app game] -Coronavirus Live Status [android app] -Please Kill Interdimensional Entities [android app game] -Power Budget [android app] -Faster [android app game] -Wreckage Raiders [andoid app game] -Account Protector [android app] -Fast Reminder [android app] -Mis Recetas [android app] -Carpincho: Rise of Humedales [android app game] -Qui Moriturus [android app game] -My Books [android app] -Ayuno Intermitente [android app] Las aplicaciones y juegos de Dos D Games no recogen ningún dato personal de los usuarios. Las aplicaciones y juegos de Dos D Games no registran direcciones IP. ...